Logbooks, Why you need one!

Logbooks, Why you need one!

by Marjolyn Noble Oh no, the dreaded log book, why do we need to revisit this? Hmmmm, because it is often misunderstood and could potentially cost you thousands in tax deductions. We here at EASE are all about helping you minimise your tax, within legal parameters....

Hubdoc Digital Receipt Management

  by Marjolyn Noble Technology is now driving change like we’ve never seen before. We now have the ability toquickly save and manage your business receipts within your accounting system. To do this we can use service providers such as Squirrel Street,...

Final Pay Simplified in Xero

By Donna Giese Do you remember how complicated it used to be to process an employee final pay, the leave calculations, the tax calculations? Well, Xero has simplified the process for us. Simple terminations are now just that. Simple. But you still need to do your...