When you embark on your business journey you have so many hats to wear. You must develop your business, market to your ideal clients, be on top of all the administrative areas and still ensure there’s a enough time for you to focus on the core of your business activity.

As things grow there is a further area to navigate through: managing a team.

So where do you start with people management and what things should you review and consider as you move forward with a growing team?

The ideas surrounding this really are endless but the following are some key ideas to review and consider in your own business. These are ideas which we at EASE feel are going to set you up for the best possible chance of team success.

1. Show appreciation and gratitude for each member’s contribution

It’s so easy to get bogged down in the daily numerous tasks you set yourself it’s easy to forgo this. Take the time to acknowledge your team, even for the little things. This will pay dividends in employee satisfaction and good office vibes.

2. Provide clear communication and vision for the future, and their employment growth

It’s easy to presume your team are mind readers and completely understand where the business is headed and what you’re trying to achieve. Don’t presume they know anything. Clearly and regularly communicate how business is going and what goals you have. This will keep the team happier and also strengthen the chance of reaching those goals.

3. Provide the right environment for leadership

Are you doing too much micro-managing? Or should you step up more and become someone everyone looks to and happily follows?

4. On-going training and delegate interesting job tasks

No matter how much experience or time a team member has had in their role continual learning and professional development will be key to business and personnel development.

5. Lead by example, don’t expect your employees to do anything that you are not prepared to do

Whenever there’s a new type of process or task to be completed, we as the EASE directors try ensure we have a strong comprehension of it. Without this experience and understanding it is much harder to delegate and manage tasks for staff to complete for us.

6. Encourage problem solving by providing employees help. Collaborate towards potential solutions

A difficult challenge that a team member is working on should become a team effort where possible. We often find discussing something as a group saves much time and everyone tends to learn something new.

7. Recognise achievements, milestones and rewards through monetary and non-monetary means (as appropriate)

We don’t mean also motivate through promises of extra money (although that may be appropriate in your industry). However regularly rewarding members for even small achievements will go a long way to employee satisfaction and happiness in the workplace.

8. Complete regular performance reviews to discuss staff contributions and where they help bring value to the business

During these you should review and set goals for the upcoming work period to keep you and your staff on track. This also ensures there are little or no surprises when there’s issues of under performance of your team members.


Team management is no easy thing but regular time invested will make the world of difference to your business success!